Moments ago at the Cotai Arena in Macau, China, Vasyl Lomachenko successfully defended his WBO featherweight title, dominating Cholatarn Piriyapinyo en route to an easy unanimous decision. Lomachenko got off to a fast start, peppering Piriyapinyo with quick jabs and right hands. Despite suffering a hand injury that forced him to fight nearly half of the match with just one hand, Lomachenko easily cruised to victory. Relive all the action in FightHype's round-by-round results!
Loma [Lomachenko] comes out firing his jab. HARD left to the body lands for Loma. Right hook lands for Loma. Another. Stiff jab lands for Loma. Piri [Piriyapinyo] digs a left to the body. Loma firing his jab. They trade body shots. Loma landing the more telling shots. Loma digs a shot that's low. Uppercut ladns for Loma. Loma digs to the body. Piri not offering up much in return. Nice three-punch combo lands for Loma. Easy round for Loma.
Lomachenko 10 Piriyapinyo 9
Jab lands for Loma. Hard left lands for Loma. Right hook lands for Loma. Piri gets in a right. Right lands for Loma. Loma digs to the body. Another right hook lands for Loma. Piri gets in a hook. Straight left lands for Loma. HARD 1-2 lands for Loma. Loma just picking him apart with combinations. Short hook lands for Loma. Piri just following him around. Hard right hook lands for Loma. Round to Loma.
Lomachenko 20 Piriyapinyo 18
Right hook lands for Loma. Piri lands a low blow. Loma circling and flicking his jab. HARD right hook lands for Loma. HARD left to the body ladns for Loma. Piri looks hurt. Loma has him pinned to the ropes. Loma letting his hands go and landing a lot. Stiff jab lands for Loma. Quick combo lands for Loma. Piri fires to the body. 1-2 lands for Loma. Another HARD 1-2 lands for Loma. Round to Loma.
Lomachenko 30 Piriyapinyo 27
HARD left to the body lands for Loma. Right and another left lands for Loma. Piri missing with all of his shots. Loma dancing circles around him. A ton of jabs from Loma followed by a hard left to the body that backs Piri up. Loma raining down shots on him against the ropes. Stiff jab lands for Loma. Blistering uppercut lands for Loma. Another HARD left from Loma puts Piri down. He's up and takes the count. Loma jumps on him and fires shots. End of round.
Lomachenko 40 Piriyapinyo 35
Chopping right lands for Loma. Piri misses with some wild shots. Loma digs to the body. Left and a right lands for Loma. Again. Some quick lefts land for Loma. Hard uppercut lands for Loma. Piri lands a left to the body. Loma lands a left upstairs. 1-2 lands for Loma. Round to Loma.
Lomachenko 50 Piriyapinyo 44
Short right hook lands for Loma. Loma circles the ring. 1-2 lands for Loma. Piri fires a shot down the middle, but it's blocked. Jab lands for Loma. Again. HARD left lands for Loma. Piri digs a left to the body. HARD left to the body lands for Loma. Loma peppers him with some shots. 1-2 lands for Loma. HARD left from Loma snaps the head back of Piri. Some hard hook s from Loma have Piri in trouble against the ropes. They trade a few more shots before the bell. Round to Loma.
Lomachenko 60 Piriyapinyo 53
HARD uppercut lands for Loma. Jab lands for Loma. Again. All Loma right now as he dances around the ring and just jabs Piri's head. Piri digs a shot to the body. Right hook lands for Loma. Right hand lands for Loma. Loma appears to have hurt his left as he didn't throw one at all that round. Round to Loma.
Lomachenko 70 Piriyapinyo 62
Loma lands a couple of jabs. Piri bulls forward. Loma doing a lot of movement right now as he's a one-handed fighter. Stiff jab lands for Loma. Piri digs a left to the body. Right lands for Loma. HARD uppercut lands for Loma. Piri digs to the body. They trade on the inside. Round to Loma.
Lomachenko 80 Piriyapinyo 71
Piri digs to the body. Loma jabs and dances away. Quick right cross lands for Loma. Piri gets a warning for a low blow. They trade jabs. Jab lands for Loma. Piri gets in a right. Loma peppers him with some rights. Right hook lands for Loma. Again. Piri digs some left hooks to the body. Overhand right lands for Loma. Round to Loma.
Lomachenko 90 Piriyapinyo 80
Jab, jab, right hand lands for Loma. Piri digs to the body. Loma lands a left hook. Loma lands a couple of right hooks to the body. Loma peppers him with some shots. Uppercut lands for Loma. Loma continues to pepper him with shots. Piri digs a left to the body. Round to Loma.
Lomachenko 100 Piriyapinyo 89
Uppercut lands for Loma. They trade some shots. Piri digs a left to the body. Loma lands another uppercut. Again. Loma digs a right to the body. Right upstairs lands for Loma. Loma continues to pepper him with fast shots. Loma lands a left to the body. Uppercut lands for Loma. All Loma right now; Piri looks content to survive. HARD uppercut lands for Loma. Round to Loma.
Lomachenko 110 Piriyapinyo 98
Piri digs a left to the body. Loma peppers him with some rights. They trade some shots. Loma backs him up to the ropes. Another combination lands for Loma. Left to the body lands for Loma. Another. Left to the body and a right upstairs lands for Loma. Nice uppercut followed by a straight left lands for Loma. Piri lands a jab. HARD body shots followed by a right upstairs lands for Loma. More rights land for Loma. Round to Loma.
Lomachenko 120 Piriyapinyo 107
Official judges scorecards: 120-107, 120-107, 120-107
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