Moments ago at the DC Armory in Washington DC, former world champion Adrien Broner defeated jr. welterweight contender Ashley Theophane via 9th round stoppage. Theophane tried to apply pressure on Broner throughout the night, but it was clear that his punches weren't having any affect on the bigger Broner. It didn't take long for Broner's superior boxing skills to take over, finding a home for his right hand and some hard uppercuts. A solid combination from Broner staggered Theophane in the 9th round and a follow-up barrage prompted the referee to wave it off. Relive all the action in FightHype's round-by-round results.
Broner jabs. Theophane coming forward. Broner jabs to the body. Nice jab landed by Theophane. Broner backs up. Clubbing right from Theophane is blocked. They trade jabs; Broner landing the heavier one. Theophane digs to the body. Looping left from Theophane and Broner shakes it off. Stiff jab lands for Broner. Theophane digs a right to the body. Solid right lands for Broner and Theophane backs up. Jab lands for Broner. Hard body shot lands for Broner. Theophane fires one of hiis own. Good left hook lands for Broner. Round to Broner.
Broner 10 Theophane 9
Theophane jabs to the body. Quick left lands for Broner. Jab landing for Broner. Theophane digs a 1-2 to the body. Broner walking him down now. Theophane gets in a good right. Solid right upstairs lands for Theophane. 1-2 to the body lands for Theophane. Broner continues to walk him down. Uppercut lands for Broner. HARD left to the body from Broner backs him up. Uppercut lands again for Broner. They trade jabs. Left to the body lands for Theophane. Broner counters with a left hook. Close round, but I give it to Theophane for his work to the body.
Broner 19 Theophane 19
They trade jabs. Broner looking to set up a counter. Jab lands for Broner. They trade jabs. Looping overhand right lands for Theophane. Left hook lands for Theophane. Theophane works the body against the ropes. Jab and a right to the body lands for Theophane. Left hook lands for Broner. Right to the body lands for Theophane. Broner getting outworked in this round. HARD right lands for Broner and Theophane is hurt. Another 1-2 lands for Broner. Theophane backs up. Right lands for Broner. Another. Left hook lands for Broner. Theophane lands a late right seconds after the bell. Round to Broner.
Broner 29 Theophane 28
Broner fires the jab. Theophane coming forward and firing, but his punches aren't having the same effect as Broner's. Jab to the body lands for Broner. Counter right lands for Broner. Theophane gets in a left. They trade jabs. Nice right lands for Broner. Stiff jab lands for Broner. 1-2 to the body lands for Theophane. HARD uppercut from Broner backs Theophane up. Theophane on his bike. Broner unloads some hard shots in the corner. Theophane just covers up. Another barrage lands for Broner. Round to Broner.
Broner 39 Theophane 37
Theophane's face looks busted up in the corner. Stiff jab lands for Broner. Theophane presses forward and digs to the body. Jab from Broner snaps his head back. Theophane gets in a right to the body. HARD left hook to the body lands for Broner. Right hand upstairs lands for Broner. Broner landing a lot now. Theophane gets in a left hook upstairs. Another left lands for Theophane, but not much on it. Right lands for Theophane. Left hook lands for Broner. Right to the body lands for Broner. Theophane lands a left hook. Round to Broner.
Broner 49 Theophane 46
Theophane comes forward and lands a left. Another left lands for Theophane, but Broner is unfazed by his punches. They trade jabs. Counter right lands for Broner. Solid left hook lands for Broner. Theophane gets off a combination. Hard shot lands for Broner. HARD left to the body from Broner has Theophane doubling over. Left lands for Theophane. Left and a right lands for Broner. Hard right cross lands for Broner. Broner starting to clown around in there now. Uppercut lands for Broner. Theohpane gets in a right. Round to Broner.
Broner 59 Theophane 55
They trade jabs. Right lands for Broner. Another. Theophane digs to the body. Looping left lands for Theophane. Broner digs to the body. Theophane answers. They wrestle on the inside. They trade body shots. Left hook lands for Broner. Right hand lands for Broner. Left hook to the body from Broner. Theophane digs a 1-2 to the body. Right hand upstairs lands for Broner. Round to Broner.
Broner 69 Theophane 64
They wrestle on the inside. Theophane fires to the body. Counter right lands for Broner. They trade jabs. Looping right gets in for Theophane. Theophane continues to work the body. Uppercut lands for Broner. Overhand right from Broner clubs him in the back of the head. Theophane works the body in the clinch. Left hook upstairs lands for Theophane. Broner lands a right and a left hook. Looping left from Theophane grazes his face. Close round, but I give it to Theophane for staying busy.
Broner 78 Theophane 74
Broner jabs. Theophane misses with a wild left. Solid shot from Broner has Theophane on shaky legs. Broner unloads on him in the corner. Theophane ties him up. Right lands for Broner. Theophane covers up. Uppercut lands for Broner. HARD right lands for Broner. Another shot lands for Broner. Theophane staggers across the ring and that's it. The ref calls a halt to the onslaught.
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