"At 12:00PM ET/9:00AM PT, look at my Twitter! At 12:00PM ET/9:00AM PT, just look at my Twitter," stated undefeated pound-for-pound champion Floyd Mayweather earlier today while conducting an exclusive interview with FightHype.com. In the interview, Mayweather touched on a number of subjects, including the reports about him allegedly turning down some $65 million offer from Singapore. As for the announcement, well, Mayweather moves when Mayweather wants to move, so if you want to know what he has to say, be sure to check out his official Twitter account, FloydMayweather, at 12:00PM ET/9:00AM PT.
Since we already know we'll be hearing much more from Floyd on FightHype.com, we'll let others speculate as to what it is you'll see on his official Twitter page, but be sure to check back later for more in the full interview with Floyd Mayweather.
[ Follow Ben Thompson on Twitter @fighthype ]