Former Octagon girl Ali Sonoma talks about her recent departure from the UFC, his future plans and much more as she discusses her acting career, her relationship with UFC fighter Diego Sanchez and the recent interest she's received from Playboy. Check it out!
PC: Ali, many people were shocked not to see you ringside at UFC 77. What made you leave the UFC?
AS: I was an Octagon girl for over a year. It was one of the best experiences of my life; traveling all over, meeting new people, the fights and the fans. I moved to L.A. this summer and ever since then, I have been really busy. I have 3 movies in the works and on top of it, numerous modeling gigs and a few hosting jobs. I just wanted to take it all to the next level.
PC: Was it a spur of the moment thing or were you able to give them a notice?
AS: I got cast for one movie months ago. Filming is set early next year. As soon as I found out, I said something. It's mutual though; UFC wanted to keep the ring girls new, bring in more faces and bodies (laughing) and I was cool with it. Can't be a ring girl forever, you know.
PC: You made it known in our first interview that you wanted to be involved in film. Was this an offer you couldn't refuse?
AS: I was always in plays and interested in theatre when I was younger. When I went to the audition for my first movie and got cast and then got my SAG card on top of it, I was like, "whoa, this is cool," you know. I loved being involved in the industry, loved the excitement of it all and I thought if I could do this all the time, this is what I want to do.
PC: Have you met or talked with your replacement and if so, what advice would you give her?
AS: No, haven't met her.
PC: Do you think we'll ever see you as a ring card girl again in the UFC?
AS: Probably not.
PC: A lot of people that email me seem to think Diego had a part in you leaving the UFC. Could you clear the air on that?
AS: The UFC didn't exactly love the fact we were together, but you can't help who you fall for, you know. It just kind of happened. It's like that rule where employees shouldn't date employees thing. Even though I never got any "rules" like that, I understand where they wouldn't like it. They want to keep the fighters separate and focused on what they got to do
but I never got in the way of Diego's training. We didn't see each other months before his fight until after his fight was over. If anything, we encouraged each other and kept each other strong.
PC: When can we expect to see Ali Sonoma in some motion pictures?
AS: My first film should be out January 2008, beginning at Sundance in NYC. The other ones will take a while longer. Film is never consistent and it takes a long time to make too, with all the editing and tweaking.
PC: What kind of roles would you like to play and what type of movies keep your interest?
AS: I want to challenge myself with many kinds of roles. I would love to play a badass assassin, like Angelina Jolie from Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and a strong heroine role. I tend to favor the women-who-kicks-ass roles the best.
PC: I'm sure you will stay in touch with Arianny. What was her reaction when you told her you were leaving?
AS: She was upset. We're very close and we'll remain close. I told her now I can go to the fights and get loud and crazy and we'll hang out afterwards.
PC: Exactly who do you have to let know of your departure as far as the UFC goes?
AS: I let the bosses know. I posted a blog on my Myspace page to let my fans know.
PC: How tough was it for you to walk away from the UFC?
AS: Not that tough. It's not like I'm crying or anything. I will miss it, but like I said, can't be a ring girl forever.
PC: I'm not trying to be funny, but you know the more you break out in Hollywood, and you may possibly have gotten this offer already, but Playboy will come calling. Will we ever see Ali in Playboy?
AS: No. Playboy has approached me many times
recently just weeks ago. I'm not interested in them at this time. My focus is on acting and making money and staying somewhat clothed.
PC: I know you'll still follow the fights. Do you think you'll ever get used to being at a fight without the best seat in the house?
AS: Oh, I can still get awesome seats. Maybe not as close as I was, but still good ones.
PC: We will definitely miss you at the fights, but I hope you achieve everything you're setting your sights on. I look forward to seeing you on the big screen. Is there anything you want to say in closing?
AS: Thank you to all the fans. All the support, it's appreciated. You won't be seeing the last of me, I promise you that.
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