By Jon Luther | March 29, 2010

"Anything can happen in a fight and we can't predict how it is going to be,  but we can plan for different situations. I have been studying Fedor with my coaches on every  detail...I know Fedor is a totally different fighter, but I belive in my Jiu Jitsu...I am very confident right now since we have built a very solid team for my fight preparation," stated Strikeforce heavyweight contender Fabricio Werdum as he talked about his highly-anticipated showdown with Fedor Emelianenko. Check it out!

JL: Thanks for taking time to sit down and do this interview, Fabricio. I know you've been busy.

FW: First of all, I would like to thank for the opportunity for connecting myself with my fans. This is something very meaningful to me; this is my work and my life, so it is always a pleasure to be in touch with people who care and are interested in what I do. And this is the main reason for me to be taking English classes in order to get even closer to my American fans. Thanks again!

JL: You're considered to be one of the best, elite BJJ practitioners to make the MMA transition. How did you go about adapting your BJJ game for MMA? Did you take any ideas from others, like Noguiera, or did you go your own path?

FW: BJJ always been my main martial art and I am fortunate to have won 2 world titles and 2 ADCC, as well as a few more important competitions that gave me the background to start on MMA. But I wouldn't say that I am the best BJJ practitioner in making the MMA transition. Nowadays, there are a lot of great BJJ fighters in MMA.

But I adapted my BJJ game as the time was passing and I was getting more experience with every training session, and especially in every fight. I was slowly adding my favorite positions, the ones that I feel very comfortable with, into my MMA game. Nogueira always been an inspiration for me and I think for most of the fighters as well. I always try my best to study other fighters in order to understand on how I can improve myself and my game by learning with them. But for the most part, every fighter has their specific way of fighting and their own special positions.

JL: Is the Fedor fight still confirmed, or are there things currently being talked about that may be an issue for the fight?

FW: The fight is about 100% and I would say that it will be very hard for it not to happen, since Strikeforce and Fedor's staff already mentioned that they really want this fight.  If everything goes as planned, it should be in June;July at the latest. My training sessions are already focused on this fight. I try not to worry so much about all the negotiations behind it and let my manager do his work, so I can be completely focused and do my best.

JL: Your weight has jumped up and down a lot in your last three fights. What is the ideal size that you're aiming for?

FW: My ideal size is 230 pounds. This is the weight that I like most and feel more comfortable at.

JL: Some fans have noticed that you and Strikeforce heavyweight champ Alistair Overeem don't seem to get along. Is there a reason behind this or do you actually get along?

FW: There's nothing wrong between Overeem and myself besides healthy competition, which I guess is something good for the sport because it makes us improve for each fight. There is nothing personal though. Why people may think that we don't get along is, in my opinion, due to thinking he should not own the heavyweight title without fighting for almost 3 years in Strikeforce. But as I have mentioned before, this is a professional manner, and MMA should be professional.

JL: Fedor was able to punch through Nogueira's guard. Have you studied tapes and know how to avoid that? Did Noguiera help you with training?

FW: Anything can happen in a fight and we can't predict how it is going to be,  but we can plan for different situations. I have been studying Fedor with my coaches on every  detail. I really trust my guard and if we look back into my fights, I haven't been hit much from that position. I know Fedor is a totally different fighter, but I belive in my Jiu Jitsu. Regarding Nogueira, I am a big fan of him, but we haven't been training together for my fight. 

JL: Fedor's wrestling is very good. Some say your wrestling isn't as good as your striking or BJJ. Are you doing anything different or special to deal with Fedor's takedown defense?

FW: I am very confident right now since we have built a very solid team for my fight preparation. I have been training under Rafael Cordeiro, who is my head coach for a long time and who is improving my striking skills every day. Also, I have been training hard with Ryan, who is King Mo's wrestling coach, as well as Renato Babalu, who is a great wrestler, so they are helping me a lot on that area. Ratinho, who is considered one of the best BJJ coaches, and I have been doing amazing work on my ground game as well. This is one of the best teams I've ever had.

JL: How long do you plan on fighting in MMA? Will you continue to do grappling tournaments as well? Is it difficult to compete in grappling when a lot of your time is spent training striking and MMA?

FW: I plan to keep on fighting in MMA until my body tells me to stop. MMA is something that I really love to do. I still plan to keep on competing in grappling tournaments, depending on the event. I will alway fight in ADCC in order to defend my title. To me, it's not difficult to compete in grappling since I can adapt my game easily from MMA to grappling and also since grappling is a big part of my MMA training.

JL: Apart from yourself, who do you consider to be top 5 in the heavyweight division from any organization?

FW: There are some really tough guys in the heavyweight division right now, but if I have to pick 5, I would say Fedor, Cain Velasquez, Antonio Noguiera [Big Nog], Junior "Cigano" Dos Santos and King Mo Lawal.

JL: As a guy who has been in the UFC and Strikeforce, some people are wondering if you're prompted to speak in a certain way in pre-fight interviews in order to hype up the fight. Is this the case?

FW: I don't think this is the case. Some fighters do it, I guess, for self-promotion and maybe because the fans like it as part of the show. I don't intend to do it. I think it is important to respect every opponent, since this is our job.

JL: Are there any up-and-comers you train with who you feel are the next stars of Mixed Martial Arts? Any specific names we should be looking out for?

FW: There are a few guys training with me and Rafael Cordeiro who I really think are very talented and are on the right track to develop a great MMA carrer. I can mention Fernando Bettega, Felipe Fogolin, Markus Koval, Jeremy Umphries and a few others that you guys will soon be hearing a lot about. The team is growing very strongly and we are really happy about it.

JL: What is the most effective submission in MMA? Who are some of the best BJJ guys out there who you feel could make a successful transition to MMA?

FW: I am not sure that a specific submission can be considered the most effective one. Because there are so many situations and possibilities, there are a lot of submissions that can be effective in MMA. But with my personal ground game, I'd say that the Kimura is my favorite. 

JL: Who are some of the best BJJ guys out there who you feel could make a successful transition to MMA?

FW: There are a few guys out there that I feel can make a successful transition to MMA. If I have to name one, I would say Braulio Estima, who won the ADCC open weight division. And I would like to extend my invitation to him. Our doors are always open for him to come down and train with us.

JL: If Fedor entered the ADCC in your weight class, how well do you think he would've done?

FW: I would say that he would've done well; he is a very versatile fighter. But if he entered in my weight class, I guess I would get my third title (laughing).

JL: Thank you so much for your time, Fabricio.

FW: Thanks again for the opportunity and congratulations on your work helping to develop and show MMA as a true sport for everyone. Also, I would like to thank all of my fans for sending me questions and for the support. This is very important to me and I am always representing them when I step into the Cage.

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